Friday, March 8, 2013


I hope week 1 went well for everyone.  I hope you all got through some soreness and are ready for a last chance workout!  Here's the workout circuit.


  • Fire Hydrants - Kneel on all fours, lift one leg out to side.  - Repeat each side x 30 seconds. *For added intensity, use a band around knees or ankles for resistance.
  • Rapid Squats - Squat as low and as quickly as you can for 30 seconds.  *For added intensity, hold hand weights or body bar on shoulders and/or squat on a Bosu.
  • Single Arm Bent Over Rows "Lawnmowers" - Stand with one leg in front of the other, weight in opposite arm.  You can rest your lead elbow on leg in front.  Bring weight up towards chest in a motion as if you were pulling the cord to start a lawnmower. - Repeat each side x 30 seconds.   *For added intensity, balance on one leg and hold opposite leg in air, forming a "T."
  • "Y" Press - Hold weights in hand, resting on shoulders.  Raise arms up to form the letter "Y." - Repeat X 30 seconds.  *For added intensity, balance on one leg x 15 seconds, then switch legs.
  • Toe Touches - Lie on back, with legs lifted straight up.  Start with arms overhead.  Lift torso up and touch toes and lower back down.  - Repeat x 30 seconds.  *For added intensity, hold a medicine ball in hands.
  • Seated Russian Twist - Sit with legs and arms in the air.  Clasp hands together and touch on one side, then the other.  - Repeat x 30 seconds.  *For added intensity, hold a medicine ball or weight.

  •  Wall Squats with Calf Raise - Lean against wall or stability ball.  Squat down as low as you can, come up half way, hold and raise onto toes for two seconds, lower down again, then back up to standing position.  - Repeat 2x30 seconds.  *No need for added intensity.  This should burn your quads if you do it right.
  •  Hamstring Curl on Stability Ball - Lie on back, ankles on a stability ball.  Bridge up and roll the ball in towards you.  Roll back out to starting position to complete rep.  If you don't have a stability ball, place feet on a step and perform a bridge by lifting hips up.  - Repeat 2x30 seconds.  *For added intensity, perform single leg.  
  • Chest Fly - Lie on bench or flat surface.  Hold weights in hands, arms out to side, palms up.  Bring arms up and hands together.  Lower back down to complete rep.  - Repeat 2x30 seconds.  *For added intensity, lie on a stability ball.
  • Plank Row - Hold hand weights in a plank position on hands.  Bring weight up towards chest in a row fashion, alternating arms.  - Repeat 2x30 seconds.  *For added intensity, perform a push-up in between rows.
  • Bicycle Crunches - Repeat 2x30 seconds.
  • Alternating Supermans - Lie on stomach, raise right arm and left leg.  Hold for 5 seconds, then switch to left arm, right leg.  Repeat 2x30 seconds.  *For added intensity, hold a light weight & ankle weights.
  • LATERAL STEP-OVERS - Step laterally (sideways) up and over a box or step as quickly as possible.  - Repeat x 1 MINUTE

  • Cross-Over Lunge with Bicep Hammer Curl - Stand hip width apart with weights in hands down to side, palms facing in.  Cross one leg over the other, lunge down while curling weights up.  Alternate lunging legs.  - Repeat 2x30 seconds.
  • Forward Lunge with Military Shoulder Press - Stand hip width apart with weights in hands at shoulders, palms facing in.  Lunge forward with one leg while raising arms straight up overhead. Push off heel back to starting position and alternate legs.  - Repeat 2x30 seconds.
  • Side Lunge with Forward Shoulder Raise - Stand hip width apart, weights in hands, arms down to sides, palms facing backwards.  Lunge to the side while raising arms forward to shoulder height.  Alternate sides.  - Repeat 2x30 seconds.
  • Sumo Squat with Tricep Extension - Stand with feet wider apart than shoulders with toes angled outward.  Hold dumbbell(s) in hands, arms up above head.  Squat as low as you can while lowering weights behind head, bending at the elbows (keep elbows pointed up).  Raise back up to starting position.  - Repeat 2x30 seconds.
  • Plank on Stability Ball - Hold in plank position 2x30 seconds.  If you don't have a stability ball, hold plank position while raising one leg, hold for 1-2 seconds, alternating.
  • Hip Dips - Side plank position.  With out breaking form, lower hip to touch the ground and back up.  - Repeat x 30 seconds each side.
  • MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS - Start in plank position with feet hip width apart.  Bend your knee and jump up, bringing right thigh under the right side of your torso and leaving your left leg out behind you.  Quickly jump right leg back to starting position while simultaneously jumping left knee in toward torso.  Keep the pace as fast as possible, keeping your butt down.  - Repeat x 1 MINUTE.
  • Option 1 = 5 minutes of moderate cardio on 4 different machines (stepper, treadmill, bike, elliptical)
  • Option 2 = 10 minutes of cardio on 2 different machines.
  • Option 3 = 20 minute walk/run.
  • Option 4 = Your choice as long as you get at least 20 minutes of cardio.
Remember, if you are experiencing any pain or light headedness, stop or modify to where you can manage the activity.  Give me feedback if this is too easy for you, too hard, etc.  Mostly if it's too easy, though.  :)  Good luck to all!

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