Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Here's another circuit to enjoy.


  • Side-lying Hip Abduction - Lie on side, lift top leg and lower.  Repeat x 30 seconds each side.  For increased intensity, add ankle weights or rest weight on top of leg.
  • Side-lying Hip Adduction - Lie on side, cross top leg over bottom.  Lift bottom leg and lower.  Repeat x 30 seconds each side.  For increased intensity, add ankle weights or rest weight on top of leg.
  • Swiss Ball Preacher Curl - Kneel with arms resting over a swiss ball.  Dumbbells or a bar bell in hands.  Curl bar or weights up to chest and lower.  Repeat 2x30 seconds.  For increased intensity, perform single arm.
  • Rotational Dumbbell Straight-Leg Deadlift (Windmills) - Hold a med to light dumbbell in right hand, standing on left foot, knee slightly bent.  Lift your right foot off floor and bend knee slightly.  Without changing the bend in your left knee bend at your hips and lower your torso as you rotate it to the left and touch the dumbbell to your left foot.  Pause, then raise your torso back to starting position.  Repeat x 30 seconds each side.  For increased intensity, repeat twice on each side.  For reduced intensity, stand on both legs and go straight down (no rotation.)
  • Tricep Kickback - Kneel on bench, with weight in one hand.  Trunk and upper arm  should be parallel to the floor, bent at the elbow.  Without moving upper arm, raise forearm until arm is completely straight.  Slowly lower back down.  Repeat x 30 seconds each arm.  For increased intensity, use a kettle bell, holding the top of handle and keeping wrist locked.
  • Mountain Climbers x 30 seconds.  For increased intensity, perform in a TRX.
  • Single Leg Pistol Squat - Stand holding your arms straight out in front of your body at shoulder level, parallel to floor.  Raise your right leg off floor, and hold it there.  Push your hips back and lower your body as far as you can.  Pause, then push your body back to the starting position.  (As you lower your body, raise your right leg so that it doesn't touch the floor.)  Repeat x 30 seconds each leg.  (This may be done in a TRX, holding the handles, or off a box, standing and slowly lowering with one leg.)  For added intensity, pulse for three counts at the bottom before standing up.
  • Standing Cable Fly - To be performed in a cable system.  Grab handle with each hand, and stand in a staggered stance in the middle of the station.  Arms should be at shoulder height.  Without changing the angle of your elbows, pull the handles down and together, until they cross in front of your body.  Pause, then return to starting position.  Repeat 2x30 seconds.
  • Single Leg Bridge - Lie on back with one foot on top of a box, opposite leg up in the air.  Lift hips up and pulse three times, then lower back to starting position.  Repeat x 30 seconds each leg.  For increased intensity, use a medicine ball or bosu ball in place of a box.
  • Uneven Push-ups - Place a medicine ball under one hand.  Perform two pushups, then roll ball to place under other hand.  Repeat 2x30 seconds.  For increased intensity, perform a push-up plus on second push-up before exchanging medicine ball.  Perform the "plus" by pushing your upper back away from ground (extending arms further away.)
  • Mountain Climbers 2x30 seconds.  For increased intensity, perform in a TRX with only one leg suspended x 30 seconds, then switch legs.
  • Weight-Plate Front Raise Squats - Hold the sides of a weight plate with both hands.  Raise weight to shoulder level in front of you as you squat down.  Return to starting position.  Repeat 2x30 seconds.  For increased intensity, stand at 80/20 (80% weight on one leg, 20% on the other, then switch for the second set.)  
  • Kettle Bell Double Arm Swing - Hold a kettle bell with both hands.  Squat down, and as you come up, swing kettle bell high overhead.  See if you can get it to pause slightly at the top.  Use the momentum of the kettle bell, keep abs tight.  Repeat 2x30 seconds.  For increased intensity, use single arm, switching hands at the bottom, in an alternating fashion.
  • Side Lunge To Overhead Press w/Medicine Ball - Hold medicine ball in hands.  Lunge to the side, touching medicine ball toward toes.  Push off and press ball up overhead.  Repeat x 30 seconds each side.  For increased intensity, lunge onto a bosu ball.
  • Leaning Calf Raise in Plank - Lean up against a swiss ball on hands or elbows.  Raise up onto toes and slowly lower.  Repeat 2x30 seconds.  For increased intensity, perform single leg.
  • Squat Jacks - Jumping jacks, only in a squatted positon.  Stay as low as you can.  Repeat 2x30 seconds.  For increased intensity, perform holding a weight out in front.
  • Plank Wide Stance with Opposite Arm and Leg Lift - Get into plank position on elbows or hands.  Move your feet out wider than your shoulders.  Hold your left foot and your right arm off the floor for 2-3 seconds, then switch arms and legs and repeat.  Repeat 2x30 seconds.  For increased intensity, perform with feet closer together and on a swiss ball.
  • Side Plank - Get into a side plank position on elbow or hand.  Hold x 30 seconds each side.  For increased intensity, lift your bottom leg toward your chest and hold it that way for the duration of the exercise. 
  • Torso Circles - Stand with feet together, arms relaxed, holding a kettlebell.  Slowly circle bell around your body by passing the corners of the handle.  Let your body naturally sway in opposition to the bell.  Repeat each direction x 30 seconds.  For increased intensity, balance on one leg.
  • Side Plank and Row - Attach a handle to a low pulley, or use a sports cord.  Brace your core in side plank position on elbow or hands.  Bend your elbow and pull handle to your rib cage, keeping your hips pushed up and forward.  Slowly straighten your arm back out in front of you.  Repeat x 30 seconds each side.  For increased intensity, perform with feet stacked on a bosu ball.
  • Back Extension on a Swiss Ball - Rest hips on a swiss ball, feet firm against a wall, torso bent over ball.  Lift torso up and lower, hands either behind head or crossed over chest.  Repeat 2x30 seconds.  For increased intensity, have someone hold feet steady or secure them at a higher position so you can dangle further off stability ball, providing a further range of motion.
  • Cardio, Cardio, and more Cardio.  Get yourself 20-30 minutes worth of cardio!
If something is too difficult to perform, you can always modify it.  Also keep in mind, that it's good to be challenged, so if you have to modify, do it for the right reasons!  

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